
(a). Innovations in Paedaitric Orthopaedics
1 Noval Method for Autologous Bone Marrow Derived Mononuclear Cells in Perthes
2 ANGLE AJAI (Angle A) to quantify severity of flat feet
3 Use of nCD64 to diffrenetiate septi arthritis from transient hip arthritis
4 Use of CCN3 as diagnostic/ prognostic biomarker for osteogenic sarcoma

(b). Innovations in Orthopaedic Science (Total = 03)
1 New Classification of Fracture Calcaneum (Heel Bone)

Comminution was significantly associated with prognosis and final outcome. Evaluation of secondary fracture lines on a plain X-ray (CT scan not required) corresponds with comminution of fractures of the calcaneus and the final outcome of these fractures.
Impact on Practice: Fracture calcaneum (heel bone) is one of the common fracture occurring commonly in young adults. This classification does not need CT scan so it can be applied at peripheral clinic too with accuracy and predicting the outcome.

2 Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cells In Management of AVN Head Femur

Idiopathic Avascular Necrosis (AVN) of Head of Femur can occur at any age but affects the young adults more commonly, in which blood circulation of head (ball of hip) of femur stops leading to early age arthritis. As the exact cause of this is not known so patients are left with either pain killers or joint replacement surgery. Joint replacement in younger age may require a secondary surgery but Stem Cell therapy provide a viable alternative mode of management of this disease with a good prognosis.

3 Management of Complex Fracture Heel Bone by Indigenous, Cost Effective, Patient and Surgeon Friendly JESS Fixation Assembly. Fractures are being managed with opening of fractures.

Impact on Practice: Fracture calcaneum (heel bone) is one of the common fracture occurring commonly in young adults. Usually these patients are the sole bread earner of the family. This method of treatment is Indigenous, Cost Effective, Patient and Surgeon Friendly. It not only reduces the burden of patient but also reduces the total days of hospitalization.

(c) Innovation in Medical Education (Total = 05)
1 During the UG lectures, beside classical black board - chalk teaching, media was incorporated in lecture of UG and PG students for video demonstration.
2 At the end, students are given the references for further study.
3 After each lecture, 5-10 MCQ based on the same lecture are asked to get the feedback from the students.
4 Regular formative assessments were started.
5 Regular research methodology and classes on Evidence Based Medicine started