Fellowships Conferred By National & International Bodies
1 Fellowship of National academy of Medical Sciences, at IMS-BHU, 27- 11-2021.
2 National Fellowship Award for “Indian Society of Chronomedicine” WCC
3 AO Trauma International Fellowship, Awarded by AO International Foundation 2019-20.
4 IOA Panacea Biotech Research Grant Award for 2017-2018 Awarded by Indian Orthopaeduic Association, 2017.
5 Fellowship of International Medical Science Academy, GENEVA, 2016
6 Traveling Fellowship of ICMR, International Conference on ‘Translational Sciences and Drug Discovery: Impact on Health, Wellness, Environment and Economics” held in July 27‐29, 2015 at Hennessy Park Hotel, Mauritius.
7 IOA-IOS UK Sr. Fellowship 2012 – awarded jointly by IOA & IOS UK
8 IOA Panacea Biotec Research Grant Award 2011-12 – awarded by Indian Orthopaedics Association
9 “Long Term follow-up of non-operative management of paediatric Koch’s spine” at CEZCON – 2006 (II nd Best Paper Long Term follow-up of non- operative management of paediatric Koch’s spine Award)
10 Fellowship for Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgery, 2006 --- visited Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgery unit, Deptt. of Orthopaedic Surgery, C.M.C., Vellore
11 Prof. A. N. Srivastava Visiting Fellowship 2006-07 --- awarded by U.P. Chapter, IOA & presented two scientific papers.
12 Traveling Fellowship of IOA, UP chapter, 2005 --- visited Kolkata along with J.J. fellows of IOA and presented papers.
13 Fellowship in Sports Sciences, Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad, 2004 --- Six month fellowship with one-week contact programmed at deptt. of Sports Medicine, Apollo Hosp., Hyderabad.
14 Varanasi Visiting Fellowship of IOA UP chapter, 2002--Visited Ahamdabad Orthopedic club to observe various surgical techniques interacted with club members & presented papers.
15 Lucknow Visiting Fellowship of IOA UP chapter, 2001 --- One month training at deptt. of orthopaedics, KGMC, Lucknow.
16 Traveling Fellowship of IOA UP chapter, 1997 --- Visited Kolkata Orthopaedic club along with J.J. Fellows & presented papers.
17 Visiting Fellowship of IOA UP chapter, 1990 --- visited Kanpur Orthopaedic club & presented scientific papers.
(a) Fellowships Conferred related to Paediatric Orthopaedics: (International & National)
(01 International, 02National)
International :
IOA-IOS UK Sr. Fellowship 2012 – awarded jointly by IOA & IOS UK
National :
Visiting Fellowship for Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgery, 2006, C.M.C., Vellore
IOA JMRF Paediatric Orthopaedic Fellowship 2008-09, awarded by Indian Orthopaedics Association.