Awards Conferred
List of Awards Recieved
1 “Virtual Participation Award” by European Society for Paediatric Infectious
Diseases Virtual Meeting| October -2020.
2 "Distinguished Scientist Award" 10th International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine by VDGOOD Professional Association, 26& 27-Sep-2020 in Hyderabad, India.
3 Best Teacher Award 2020 by Institute of Scholars (InSc), 2020.
4 Gold Medal for best Poster Presentation “Is use of Dual Cast in Treatment of CTEV by Ponseti Method Better Than Traditional POP Cast- A Comparitive Study” UP-ORTHOCON, Bareley, 15-17 feb, 2019.
5 Gold Medal for best Poster Presentation “Prospective analysis of Outcomes of Paediatric Diaphyseal Complete Both Bone Forearm Fracture Managed Conservatively” UP-ORTHOCON, Bareley, 15-17 feb, 2019.
6 Research Showcase Award for best Publcation of the year 2018, King George’s
Medical university, Lucknow.
7 Hari Om Ashram Alembic Research Award Awarded by Medical Council of India for the Area of Clinical Resaerch 2018.
8 Anil Gupta Memorial Award, UP Orthopaedic Association, Allahabad, 2018
9 IOA Panacea Biotech Research Grant Award for 2017-2018 Awarded by Indian Orthopaeduic Association, 2017
10 “Life Time Achievements in Medical Sciences” by Venus international
Foundation, Centre for Advance Research and Foundation, 2017
11 “Appreciation Award” by for Developing Paediatric Orthopaedics as a Deptt. and
Starting Fellowship in Paediatric Orthopaedics in University, 2016
12 “Rashtriya Seva Samman” by Bharat Raksha Dal Trust, Lucknow 2016.
13 “Poster Award in Research Showcase- 2016” : A Randomized Controlled Trial: Evaluation of Yoga with IL-6 as Biomarker in the Management of Knee Osteoarthritis
14 “Poster Award in Research Showcase- 2016”: To evaluate the relationship of
nutritional status with outcomes of simple diaphysel tibial Fractures
15 “Poster Award in Research Showcase- 2016” CYR61: A marker to predict early
the healing outcomes of diaphysel tibial fractures
16 Rotary excellence Award, for his untiring services in the field of Medical Sciences, Rotary Club, Lucknow, 2016
17 Best poster award for poster presented in “Golden Jubilee Conference Of Bombay Orthopaedic Society” 2015.
18 Best poster Award for poster presented in National Conference on “Stem Cell: Diagnosis & Research” Era’s Lucknow Medical College & Hospital, Lucknow, 6th Nov 2015.
19 Recognizing Excellence “Shiksha Samrudhi Samman” INDUSEM, 2015
20 Healthcare excellence Award for Best Teacher, Indo- Global Healthcare Summit & expo-2015
21 Best Poster Award in WIROC-2016 in “pNF-H: A Potential Blood Biomarker to
Evaluate the Severity of Acute Spinal Cord Injuries in Paediatric groups”2015
22 International achievement award for 2014 by EET CRS Science and Technology Award
23 Prof. Dhavendra Kumar Young Investigator Gold Medal, 2013-14 by KGMU, Lucknow
24 Best Biomedical Scientist for Year 2009 for best research done by ICMR N. Delhi
25 President Gold Medal for best oral paper presented during UPCON 2013 at Aligarh
26 Award For Excellence by K. G. Medical University, Lucknow, 2012 27.IOA IOS UK Sr. Fellowship Award by IOA-IOS UK jointly, 2012
28 Vigyan Ratan Award by UPSCT, Govt of UP, 2011
29 Triveni Devi Best Researcher of the Year Award 2011, IMA Lucknow
30 IOA Panacea Biotec Research Grant Award by Indian Orthopaedic Association, 2011-12
31 Best Paper Award oral paper presented in UPCON 2010, Gorakhpur
32 Best Paper Award oral paper presented at JESSCON in IOACON 2009, Bhubaneswar
33 Best Poster Award for poster presented at IAFSCON, Allahabad, 2009
34 Prof. P.K. Mishra Prof. N. C. Mishra Award for Outstanding Meritorious Services presented by IMA, Lucknow,2009
35 Bhagwan Prasad Gold Medal for Best Paper Published in JBJD, 2009
36 Best Intra-mural Project Faculty presented by Research Cell, KGMU, 2008
37 IOA JMRF Paediatric Orthopaedic Fellowship, IOA, 2008
38 President Appreciation Award 2008, IMA Lucknow, 2008
39 Best Innovation of the Year, 2005-06, Albright Society of Young Scientists, Hong Kong, 2008
40 Bhagwan Prasad Gold Medal for Best Paper Published in JBJD, 2008
41 Gold Medal for Best Paper Published amongst Faculty presented by Research Cell, K.G. Medical University, Lucknow, 2007
42 PRESIDENT Gold Medal for Best Paper presented at UP-ORTHOCON Varanasi-2007
43 Prof. A. N. Srivastava Visiting Fellowship, Aawarded by U.P. Chapter, IOA & presented two scientific papers 2006-07
44 Gold Medal Award for Best Paper Published based on a thesis to a PG at K.G.M.U. Convocation, 2006
45 “Management of comminuted fracture upper end humerus: an innovative technique of fixation” at MOACON, Colombo – 2006 (Best Paper award in innovation category)
46 “Non – union of scaphoid: A modified technique” at CEZCON – 2006, (Gold Medal for Best Poster)
47 “Long Term follow-up of non-operative management of paediatric Koch’s spine” at CEZCON – 2006 (II nd Best Paper Long Term follow-up of non-operative management of paediatric Koch’s spine Award)
48 Fellowship for Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgery, 2006 --- visited Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgery unit, Deptt. of Orthopaedic Surgery, C.M.C., Vellore
49 GOLD MEDAL was awarded for presenting a poster, entitled “Management of comminuted intra-articular fracture of calcaneum by JESS” at UPCON-2005, Jhansi.
50 SILVER MEDAL awarded for presenting a poster entitled “Invasive form of aneurysmal bone cyst of diaphyseal region of tibia: a rare presentation” at UPCON-2005, Jhansi.
51 Traveling Fellowship of IOA, UP chapter, 2005 --- visited Kolkata along with JJ fellows of IOA and presented papers.
52 Fellowship in Sports Sciences, Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad, 2004 Six-month fellowship with one week contact programmed at deptt. of Sports Medicine, Apollo Hosp., Hyderabad.
53 Varanasi Visiting Fellowship of IOA UP chapter, 2002 --- Visited Ahamdabad Orthopedic club to observe various surgical techniques, interacted with club members & presented papers.
54 Lucknow Visiting Fellowship of IOA UP chapter, 2001 --- One month training at deptt. Of orthopaedics, KGMC, Lucknow.
55 Traveling Fellowship of IOA UP chapter, 1997 --- Visited Kolkata Orthopaedic club along with J.J. Fellows & presented papers.
56 Gold Medal with certificate of honour for presenting best paper in annual seminar by Bharat Vikas Parishad, Lucknow, 1997.
57 Gold Medal with certificate of honour for being promising young medical practitioner of the year 1994-95 by Society for Aged, Lucknow
58 Visiting Fellowship of IOA UP chapter, 1990 visited Kanpur Orthopaedic club & presented scientific papers.
59 GOLD MEDAL for being BEST RESIDENT of GM & AH during 1990 60.Prof. B.N. Sinha Gold Medal in M.S.(ortho) exam., 1989 for best performance in
exam. & best thesis submitted by K G Medical College, Lucknow.
61 Gold Medal for being BEST RESIDENT of the depptt. Of ortho. By Georgion’s Orthopaedic Association with certificate of honour (1990) by GM & Associated Hospitals, K.G.M.C. Lucknow.
62 Certificate of honour for Obst. & Gynae. (1985) by K.G. Medical College, Lucknow.
63 Certificate of honour for Anatomy (1983) by K.G. Medical College, Lucknow.
64 Silver Medal in Seminar Article with certificate of honour by Physiological Society (1982),
65 Abdulla Hazi Omar Memorial Trophy for All Round student of the Year (1980- 82) with certificate of honour by Anatomical Society, K.G.M.C. Lucknow.
66 Dr. Sahedzadda Saiduzzafar Khan Gold Medal for being Best Student of the Year (1982) with certificate of honour by Anatomical Society, K.G.M.C. Lucknow.
67 Certificate of honour for being Runner up in Badminton Tournament, 1979-80.
68 Jawaharlal Nehru National Solidarity Award with certificate of honour in essay competition by Nehru Society, 1979.
69 Silver Medal with certificate of honour in Essay Competition by Martin Luther King Society, 1978. Essay Competition